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We at Himmel&Hage see ourselves as part of a context, a society, a country and a planet. Therefore, we think it is obvious that our sustainability work is linked to the common global sustainability goals but also locally as part of making Gotland a "sustainable place"

The Global Goals are the most ambitious agenda for sustainable development ever adopted by the world's countries and exist to achieve great things by the year 2030. Although the agenda is written for nations and governments, it is a shared responsibility. We all can and need to work actively so that we can succeed in reaching the fantastic goals in the agenda.

From the 17 global goals, we choose to highlight four goals that are closest to our hearts, that are best connected to our business and where we have the greatest opportunity to make an impact. Our sustainability work is a natural part of our daily work. Here we describe the goals we work a little extra on.





In our own operations, we must create clear purchasing routines to reward eco-labelled, Swedish-made and locally produced raw materials, products and sub-suppliers. We must also communicate our sustainable efforts to our guests, and make it easier for them to act sustainably when they visit us.

  • REDUCED ENERGY CONSUMPTION We work actively to reduce our energy consumption annually through an action plan for energy optimization. We have a need-based system for heating and ventilation that is controlled through thermostats in the elements and presence control via our booking system. The system saves a large amount of energy. All our lamps are low-energy lamps.

  • REDUCED PLASTIC USE We prioritize the use of biodegradable single-use items and phase out single-use plastic items. We do not use single-use plastic cups. Plastic straws and drinking sticks must be replaced with paper or wood. Colored napkins are replaced with degradable ones.

  • REDUCED WATER CONSUMPTION We work to reduce our water consumption annually through several efforts. We replace old equipment with new energy-efficient ones such as low-flush faucets and toilets. We reduce the amount of laundry by, among other things, opting out of table linen in our restaurant and by encouraging our guests to use their towels several times.

  • REDUCED FOOD WASTE Our goal is to use as much of the raw material as possible and to use up all food purchases. We grind the mince ourselves for all our mince dishes to the greatest extent possible and work actively with well-planned menus, which contributes to reduced food waste. By weighing the food waste regularly, we follow up on our efforts.

  • ENVIRONMENTALLY LABELED CLEANING PRODUCTS AND LAUNDRY 100% of our washing and dishwashing detergents are ecolabelled. 95% of our cleaning agent is eco-labelled. Our laundry is ISO-certified and Nordic Ecolabelled. We make sure not to use more products than necessary. It reduces both our impact on the environment and on the people who use the chemicals.

  • ENVIRONMENTAL BEDS AND TEXTILES In our hotel rooms, guests can sleep well. All hotel rooms have Swedish-made and Nordic Swan-labelled beds from Carpe Diem. All our bedding is OEKO-TEX certified, which means that it does not contain chemicals in levels that are harmful to health. Our towels and bathroom rugs are also OEKO-TEX certified and made from organic cotton.

  • ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY OFFICE MATERIALS AND PRINTED MATERIALS We buy environmentally friendly office materials as much as possible. Our printed matter comes from eco-labelled printers and Nordic Ecolabelled paper.


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Vi skall aktivt arbeta med att minska våra avfallsmängder och öka andelen återbrukat och återvunnet material.

  • FOSSILFRI EL Vår anläggning drivs på 100 % förnybar el, från vind, vatten och solkraft. 

  • ALLTID KÖTTFRIA ALTERNATIV PÅ MENYN Utsläpp från boskap står för 14,5 % av alla växthusgaser. Genom att minska konsumtionen av kött så kan vi minska den siffran. Därför erbjuder vi alltid spännande köttfria rätter som en självklar del av våra menyer. 

  • RÅVAROR Vi är noggranna med valet av råvaror till restaurangen och använder oss av lokala råvaror i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Halland har ett fantastiskt utbud. Det är ett hållbart sätt att arbeta på.

  • PREMIERA SVENSKT KÖTT Sveriges djuruppfödning har låg klimatpåverkan jämfört med andra länder. Att premiera svenskt kött, säkrar också minskade transporter, stödjer svenskt jordbruk, och svenskt djurskydd. Fördelarna med svenskt kött är flera: Sverige har ett av världens bästa djurskydd och lägst användning av antibiotika i hela EU. Svenskt kött bidrar till att betesdjuren kan vårda våra naturbetesmarker som rymmer en rik biologisk mångfald. 

  • HÅLLBART RESANDE Vi främjar hållbart resande till oss genom att erbjuda våra gäster gratis laddningsstationer för elbilar och uppmuntrar till att resa kollektivt till oss med buss och tåg. Vi vill vara ett alternativ till utlandssemestern och uppmuntrar hållbart resande och turism.

  • KÄLLSORTERING Vi jobbar för att återanvända och återvinna så stor mängd av vårt avfall som möjligt. Vi källsorterar allt vårt avfall efter: glas, metall, organiskt avfall, papper, papp, hård plast, mjuk plast. Avfallskärl med fack efter sortering finns i alla konferenslokaler och hotellrum, så att våra gäster också lätt kan källsortera sitt avfall. 

  • INGA OLJEBASERADE VÄRMELJUS Vi byter ut alla våra värmeljus till LED-ljus.

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from 9am to 6pm

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